Friday, February 6, 2009


2nd -6th FEB

Monday- Play time
Tuesday - Warming Up
Wed- party time over , Hands & Arms tired time
Thur - GAME OVER , LEG & Shoulder ache time
Friday - washing time, Resting time and Spaming food time

First day , MONDAY

Sat boat to OBS camp site,
Count and washed stuff and equipment,
lunch prepared for us (second best meal)
Do trust game and trust fall ,
do some climbing (pronoun as be-laying) ,
Cook dinner (Maggie mee#) + pitching tents,
Pack some stuff & equipment for second day's night

Second day, TUESDAY
UNpitching tents and pack some stuff ,
High element (actually not very high about 7-10 m tall )
the boat part - learn how to deliberate capsized and saving of capsized boat
dinner (cook again ourselves)
Short hiking to camp 2
pitch tent , shower and packing and SLEEP

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