Saturday, June 30, 2007

A Funny Friday

This Friday, after my CCA, i went to Ang kang mall to eat my dinner.

I walked to the 5th floor, the food court there. I went and buy my food to eat.After i bought my food, i walked to a nearby table to eat. Out OF THE BLUE......i heard a loud noise of banging. I looked around and found out the 4th floor is having a renovation, u know that when they renovation, they use equipment to screw screwdriver into don't know where. I continued eating. Suddenly, i heard another banging sound which is louder and some people laughing. Once again i look around and found out that a teenager aged around 15 to 17 was use his leg and knocking against the floor. At first i wonder why he did such a ridiculous action and why did his friends laughed? Then i found out from their conversation that the person renovation is making too much noise for him and he want that person to test his own medicine. Whenever the screw driver sound came, he will use his leg and bang against the floor making the same amount of noise.

Don't u find it so ridiculous???....>>>!!!###