Saturday, September 6, 2008

All good things have to come to a End...

The nine and a half day is coming to a end...

Have you finish yr home work(HW)?
1) yes 2) no

If u chose 2) ask the Question(Q) below
Have u even touch yr HW?
1) yes 2) no

If u chose 2) ask the Q Below
How many percentage of HW have u done/start?
1) 1-10% 2) 10-40% 3) 50%-70 4) 80% and more

1) - work harder next time - U are either a V smart student or lazy one- u can finish all yr HW in one or two days

2)- U can do better- be more focus
3)- Almost There- Not bad, a good/average student
4)- well done- good or excellent student( but made sure u done it with quality)

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