Saturday, June 23, 2007

The End of the Holiday....

Next Monday is the End of the Holiday and it is the Start of the School Days.....

U know what?

Actually i always asked myself one question during all the holiday i experienced.

The Big Question
" It is the resting time or the Hardworking day???"

In simply it mean this holiday is suppose for us, students, teenager or children, to rest or u can said take a break BUT why is there Tons of homework which piles up as high as a mountain?

So What is this kind of holiday? Is it bad Or a Blessing in cover?

So what do u think?

The bright sight or dark sight?

The bright sight - learn something from homework , do not go to school.....???

DARK sight- homework as high as Mt Everest!!!!!

Ask u one question " Have you finished all your school, tuition, home WORK???"

TO tell the truth i am still fighting against the time now to finish my math project and Art work.
Those all my homework not done yet.

SO now the summary....

Your answer???

Holiday Fair or UNfair?
Holiday good or bad?
the most importion question

" Do u like the holiday???"

Anwer by tagging on the right hand side.

Thank you for reading.....................

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